Todd Mitchell


Lab 9: Linear Referencing

Question / Answer




Hand-In 1


Hand-In 2


Hand-In 2a (Display & Query)


Hand-In 3


Hand-In 4


Hand-In 5


Hand-In 6


Hand-In 7


Hand-In 8


Hand-In 9



1. What are the possible file formats that can be used as input when creating route data? (Exercise 1)


The file types can be coverage, shapefile, geodatabase, and computer aided design (CAD).


2. What is the difference between a route data before and after calibration? (Exercise 1)


Before calibration, the route data contains no values for distance or the distances are not correct. After calibration, the route data has corrected distances.


3. What is the difference between a point route event and a line route event? What kinds of applications they can be used?


Point route events show points on the route like traffic lights or stop signs ñ they contain a minimum of id and distance attributes. Line route events show polylines on the route like zones of speed limit ñ they contain a minimum of id, from_distance and to_distance attributes. Traffic accidents can be tracked if time of accident is assigned to point data. Speeding infractions can be tracked similarly with line and point data.